Jul 26, 2023
Idiotic things that Cardi B has said. (Sort of, everything she’s ever said.)
Wonderful quotes by Cardi B“You know when a girl is getting fucked? I ain’t worried about no Plan B, but I’m not tryna say getting fucked and getting ejaculations in my pussy. I’m trying to talk about when I sucky. I don’t suck the dick, I eat the dick. You know what I’m saying? I’ll take the whole nut. Like, real bitches take the whole nut. Sperm is wealth. No, sperm his health.”^^ I’m pretty sure she... read more
Jul 26, 2023
THC in Grams: That’s How “They” Discuss Delta 8 THC in Dogs
It’s obvious to an outside observer that CBD manufacturers have everything to lose with THC becoming more and more accessible. CBD doesn’t work without micro-traces of THC. Which is fine if you use CBD with less than 0.3% THC and give enough to hit some THC-mark that works. But I believe that THC in one form, or another (Delta-8) is here to stay and should be embraced. The following article shows that THC... read more
Jul 25, 2023
Let’s look at Delta 8 use in dogs. Specifically: DELTA 8 isomer of THC, by mouth, in dogs.
There are NO articles on the Internet that SPECIFICALLY address the use of THC-Isomer Delta 8 in dogs, canines. There ARE however hundreds of articles that have been mashed up, and TITLED to contain information about THC isomer Delta 8 – however ALL of those articles are variations of practically a SINGLE article that appeared on a University website, which was written by biased authors providing... read more
Jul 22, 2023
Beta Blocker Atenolol to Modify Heart Rate and Blood Pressure in Cats: Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Atenolol is a beta blocker commonly used by veterinarians to treat specific heart rhythm problems, hypertension, or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in cats. This class of drugs works to block the beta specific receptors which in turn can reduce symptoms such as artificially increased blood sugar, a too-fast heart rate, and increased blood pressure – similar to the effects of an ‘adrenalin rush’. Interesting... read more
Jul 18, 2023
Use of Gabapentin in Cats
It's interesting to look at articles on the use of Gabapentin in cats and see how “different” the author's takeaway is, from the actual results of the study. I think it has to do with how deeply a reader or veterinarian actually digs into the references. Here's an example: An author makes assessments and assertions about the effectiveness of Gabapentin in cats and says that it... read more