Aug 27, 2023
Talentless J Deeeeeee in the Houuuuse
Half time at the Atlanta United game against Nashville SCThis ‘famous’ rapper performs. (Good Eeee?)Again I am struck that LITERALLY anyone including a drunk frat boy could accurately perform that trash. Even if you don’t like some music; USUALLY there’s enough talent that not ‘just anyone’ could have performed it. But this is like a “doody-mouth” chant some middle-schoolers wrote in the boy’s... read more
Aug 24, 2023
Yunnan Baiyao
This is a package insert about Yunnan Baiyao, from China. Sometimes western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine have trouble code existing in the same document. The stuff works. It’s OK that we don’t know how. Yunnan-Baiyao.pdf read more
Aug 24, 2023
Ivermectin proved to be curative in most of the patients
This is why we can’t have nice things. This is going to hurt vaccine sales if people catch on. We need to launch a campaign of disinformation about ivermectin and replace it in animal products with Selamectin, Moxadectin, and others. IVERMECTININLONG-COVIDPATIENTS.docx read more
Aug 16, 2023