The Major Koi and Goldfish Viruses in Readable Format
I don't think Koi and Goldfish viruses could be covered better than the following documents. These are things I found online visiting some sites while I got my USDA/accreditation. They open as flip books. You have to have Flash but they open plain, Flash, regular and mobile. Pretty neat.
The viruses covered include Spring viremia, the Herpes Viruses. Koi and Goldfish both get Herpes Viruses.
The BEST one of all is something you haven't seen unless you went for your Veterinary Accreditation for USDA and took the module – – Emerging Viruses of Koi and Goldfish.
Doc Johnson
Also a link or two to some recent videos I released lately.
Ultra Low Carb Feeding For Dogs Lower Body Weight and Better Skin Health – The Short Version.
Koi Health and Disease for 2018 – How to Proceed With a Fish / Koi Loss Situation in the Springtime.
Doc Johnson